
当前时间:2025年02月02日 16:54

中国关键词 抗击新冠肺炎疫情篇
来源:未知  时间:2020-03-19






Decisions by the Central Leadership

  1. 生命重于泰山

    Saving Lives Is of Paramount Importance.

  2. 疫情就是命令,防控就是责任

    Go Where There Is Epidemic, Fight It till It Perishes.

  3. 把疫情防控工作作为当前最重要的工作来抓

    Epidemic Prevention and Control: Top of Current Agenda

  4. 坚定信心、同舟共济、科学防治、精准施策

    United to Take Science-Based and Targeted Measures and Fight the Epidemic with Confidence

  5. 坚决打赢疫情防控的人民战争、总体战、阻击战

    A Nation’s War on the Epidemic

  6. 疫情防控要坚持全国一盘棋

    Coordinated National Response in Epidemic Prevention and Control

  7. 确保受赠财物全部及时用于疫情防控

    All Donationsto Be Used for Epidemic Control Without Delay

  8. 武汉胜则湖北胜,湖北胜则全国胜

    If Wuhan Wins, Hubei Wins. If Hubei Wins, the Whole Country Wins.




Anti-Epidemic Guidelines and Arrangements

  1. 成立中央应对疫情工作领导小组

    The Central Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control

  2. 向湖北等疫情严重地区派出指导组

    The Central Guiding Team Dispatched to Hubei Province and Other Severely-Hit Regions

  3. 分区分级做好疫情防控工作

    Region-Specific and Multi-Level Approaches to Epidemic Prevention and Control

  4.  及时准确、公开透明发布疫情信息

    Prompt Release of Accurate Epidemic Information

  5. 集中患者、集中专家、集中资源、集中救治

    Treating the Infected in Dedicated Facilities by Senior Medical Professionals from All Overthe Country and with All Necessary Resources

  6. 着力做好重点地区疫情防控工作

    Key Regions: Focus of Epidemic Control

  7. 全力以赴救治患者,保障医疗防护物资供应

    Ensuring Medical Supplies and Treating Patients at All Cost

  8. 加大科研攻关力度

    Reinforcing Scientific R&D Against COVID-19

  9. 切实维护正常经济社会秩序

    Maintaining Normal Economic and Social Order



Effective Measures

  1. 早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗

    Early Detection, Reporting, Isolation and Treatment

  2. 火神山医院

    Huoshenshan Hospital

  3. 雷神山医院

    Leishenshan Hospital

  4. 方舱医院

    Temporary Treatment Centers

  5. 国务院联防联控工作机制

    The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council

  6. 武汉“封城”

    Wuhan in Lockdown

  7. 外防输入、内防扩散

    Preventing the Coronavirus from Entering and Spreading Within a Region

  8. “一人一方案” “一人一团队”

    A Dedicated Team and a Personalized Treatment Plan for Each Patient

  9. 集中拉网式大排查

    Massive Dragnet Screening of Potential Virus Carriers



About COVID-19

  1. 新型冠状病毒

    Novel Coronavirus

  2. 人传人

    Human-to-Human Transmission

  3. 国际关注的突发公共卫生事件

    Public Health Emergency of International Concern

  4. 不明原因肺炎

    Pneumonia of Unknown Cause

  5. 病毒检测实验

    Viral Infection Test

  6. 新冠病毒成功分离

    Successful Isolation of a Novel Coronavirus

  7. 启动Ⅰ级响应

    First-Level Public Health Emergency Response Activated

  8. 病死率

    Case Fatality Rate

  9. 世界卫生组织专家组赴武汉考察

    Field Visits of WHO Experts to Wuhan


International Aid

  1. 国际社会积极合作与援助 

    Cooperation of and Aid from the International Community

  2. 世界卫生组织大力支持和帮助

    Strong WHO Support and Assistance

  3. 日本:山川异域,风月同天

    Japan: Miles Apart, but Close at Heart.

  4. 科摩罗:千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重

    Comoros: It Is the Kindness That Counts.

  5. 巴铁信任值千金

    The Trust of “Iron Pak” Is Worth More Than Gold.

  6. 盖茨夫妇:用慈善拯救世界

    Bill and Melinda Gates: Saving the World with Charity

  7. 韩国:向12城市捐赠物资

    The ROK: Donating Goods to 12 Chinese Cities

  8. 新加坡:拒绝歧视与仇华

    Singapore: Say NO to Discrimination and Sinophobia


Brave Fighters

  1. 钟南山:新冠肺炎疫情科研攻关专家组组长

    Zhong Nanshan, Head of China’s COVID-19 Expert Team

  2. 李兰娟:国家传染病重点学科带头人

    Li Lanjuan: Pioneer of Epidemiology

  3. 刘智明:因患新冠肺炎不幸殉职的武昌医院院长

    Liu Zhiming: Hospital Chief Who Died of COVID-19

  4. 张继先:疫情上报“第一人”

    Zhang Jixian: the First Doctor to Report Novel Coronavirus

  5. 朱国超:至亲感染却冲在战“疫”最前线

    Zhu Guochao: Battling on the Front Line As Her Family Members Infected

  6. 英雄机长刘传健:主动请缨运送医护人员和相关物资

    Liu Chuanjian: the Hero Pilot Volunteering to Fly the Relief Mission

  7. 武汉快递小哥汪勇:组织志愿者接送医护人员

    Wang Yong: a Courier Volunteer

  8. 袁传伟:一个人扛起整条生产线

    Yuan Chuanwei: a One-Man Production Line

  9. 汶川村民:自发支援武汉100吨蔬菜

    Wenchuan Quake Survivors: Donating 100 Tons of Vegetables in Return


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