1. Price validity is 10 days from the date of PI / offer due to currency fluctuation. If the order is confirmed after due date, the unit price will be revised according to the daily exchange rate. 由于汇率波动,报价有效期为合同/报价日期起的10天内。如果订单在有效期后才确认,价格会相应按照即时汇率调整。
①price validity 报价有效期
②from the date .. to 从哪天到哪天
③due to 由于
② currency fluctuation 汇率波动
2. We look forward to your kind inquiries at any time if you find these items satisfactory. 如果你对这些款式满意的话,我们希望能随时收到贵方的询价。
①look forward to sth. /doing sth. 期待做某事,期待某事
②at any time 随时
③find sth. +adj. 形容词表示发现/觉得..如何,怎样的,比如find sth. interesting 觉得..有趣的
3. As soon as a fresh supply of your required model comes in, we will contact you. 一旦你要订的那款货源来了,我们会与您联系。
①as soon as 一..就
②a fresh supply 新货源,比如新鲜鸡蛋供应,a fresh of eggs.
③come in 进来,在这里译为到达,contact sb. =reach sb. 联系某人,与某人联系
④ here is ready stock for these three items. 这三款我们都有库存。ready stock 现货,后面+for 代表...有库存
4. You can enjoy 5% discount on your initial order. 首单您享有5%的折扣。
①enjoy...discount 享有折扣
②initial order 首单
5. Our offer remains effective for 10 days.我们报价有效期为10天。
比起be valid for, remain effective是更为高级的表达。
Our offer generally keeps open for 10 days. 我们的报价有效期通常是10天。
①generally 通常,在这里可以为10天做保留空间。
②keep open=be valid 有效
6. Our offer is subject to change without notice. 我方报价如有更改,恕不另外通知。
②be subject to 以...为准
③change without notice恕不另外通知,固定搭配
7. Upon receipt of your email, we have given this matter our immediate attention. 我们一收到你的邮件,立即对这个问题给予关注。
②upon receipt of 固定搭配=as soon as we receive. 比较精炼,表达一收到..就
③give sth. immediate attention 对某事立即给予关注
8. Kindly note that we will update the price when the exchange rate fluctuates more than XX%. 在汇率波动XX下,会再一次更新价格。(应和客户约定,如果汇率波动超出协定的比例,应该共同承担风险)
fluctuate 波动