First there was the keyboard, then the touch screen. Some tech companies say a wearable pair of glasses could be the next leap in technology, even if it didn't work out for Google glass. In the future we won't be only limited to our smartphones, when it comes to understanding the world around us. So this is our early investment in that future. The US-based company Snap's investment is this, the Spectacles 3 sunglasses. This third version is smarter than the previous ones. It has two cameras. The corner of the glasses lights up when recording video, and allows the wearer to put 3D objects in the video. Here are some flowers. Users can capture up to a minute of video.
In a very different application, the AM glass by Hong Kong-based Pacific Future allows theme park visitors to have a different kind of experience through Augmented Reality. During the launch of the smart glasses during Halloween, this park became extra scary. So there's a ghost everywhere mixed with the real like buildings. The glasses are used in theme parks in China and Malaysia, with a processor inside. These Augmented Reality glasses are designed for ages 12 and up, because of its weight and size. Augmented Reality security glasses made by Beijing-based Goolton can be used by police to identify suspects. He can set a blacklist and the skin in your crowded people and find your criminal very soon. Armed with facial recognition software, video or images captured by these smart glasses can be sent to security officials off-site for analysis. Of course there are privacy concerns with any device that comes with built-in cameras. One of the reasons consumers rejected google glass. Still the race is on for tech companies big and small to turn an everyday item like glasses into something smarter.
Elizabeth Lee VOA news
1.when it comes to 一谈到
When it comes to photography, I'm not an adept.
2.because of 由于
It is mainly because of my fault.
首先是键盘,然后是触摸屏。一些科技公司表示,穿戴舒适的眼镜可能会是科技领域的下一次飞越,即使谷歌眼镜未能成功。未来的我们想要了解周围的世界时,将不仅仅局限于我们的智能手机。所以这是我们对未来的提早投资。总部位于美国的Snap公司投资开发了这款Spectacles 3太阳镜。这是第三版本,相较于前两个版本要更加智能。这款眼镜有两个摄像头。录制视频时,眼镜角落会亮起,并且允许佩戴者在视频中添加3D物体。这里有一些花朵。用户可以拍摄长达一分钟的视频。
总部位于香港的太平洋未来科技开发的AM glass的应用则完全不同。佩戴AM glass的主题公园游客增强现实技术拥有与众不同的体验。在万圣节智能眼镜发布期间,戴上这副眼镜,公园会变得格外恐怖。看起来就像是鬼魂混在真实的建筑里,无处不在。这款眼镜配置了内置处理器,供游客在中国和马来西亚的主题公园使用。由于其质量和尺寸,这些增强现实眼镜专为12岁以上及以上设计。总部位于北京的谷东公司制作了一款增强现实安全眼镜,警方可以利用这款眼镜识别嫌疑人。他可以设置黑名单,在拥挤的人群中识别出皮肤特征,很快就能找到罪犯。这些智能眼镜配备了人脸识别软件,可以将拍摄到的视频和图片发送给不在现场的安保人员进行分析。当然,任何带有内置摄像头的设备都存在隐私问题。这也是消费者拒绝谷歌眼镜的原因之一。不过,大大小小的科技公司都在竞相将眼镜等日常用品变成更智能的东西。
美国之音新闻记者Elizabeth Lee报道