Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child
11 October 2022
Ten years since the first International Day of the Girl Child, the world is celebrating the many ways in which girls are transforming how we live, learn, communicate and create.
Over the last decade, girls have made their mark by standing up for what they believe in, values such as education for all, climate justice and peace. They have taken a stand against discrimination, fighting the systemic inequalities that divide our societies.
And these efforts have paid off: the gender gap in access to education has reached close to zero globally, although regional disparities persist. According to UNESCO data, the proportion of girls completing primary school has increased nearly 20 percentage points in the last 25 years.
If we want this progress to continue, we must maintain our efforts, especially in light of the long-term impact of COVID-19. The pandemic has increased risks to girls’ education, with lockdowns contributing to a decrease in girls returning to school. School closures could lead to an additional 10 million early marriages of girls over the next 10 years.
We must therefore give girls the tools they need to succeed – and create an environment that allows them to do so.
First of all, this means developing appropriate public policies. UNESCO provides policy expertise to all the countries that desire it, building on our unique tool “Her Atlas”, which analyses data on girls’ and women’s education from 196 countries worldwide.
首先,这意味着要制定适当的公共政策。教科文组织凭借其对全世界196个国家女童和妇女教育数据进行分析的独特工具“女童和妇女受教育权交互地图”(Her Atlas),向所有对此有需要的国家提供政策方面的专门知识。
Second, this means fighting the underlying causes of school dropouts, in particular early and unintended pregnancies. UNESCO’s “Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future” programme, has raised awareness of these issues among over 30 million girls and women in more than 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Third, this means ensuring that girls are able to pursue careers in the field of their choice. The UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education is an opportunity in this regard. This year’s laureates are empowering girls in vulnerable contexts with life skills to help them overcome discrimination, thrive in secondary schooling and become leaders in their communities. These practices are a source of inspiration, and offer proof that girls’ education is a force for equality and lasting change.
The time for this change is now. In the wake of the Transforming Education Summit, convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in September 2022, we have a unique opportunity to break down the barriers that impede students’ full participation in educationthrough bold and ambitious action, matched with adequate resources.
On the International Day of the Girl Child, and every day, join UNESCO in celebrating, championing and accompanying girls on their journey. To quote UNESCO’s newest Goodwill Ambassador, 17-year-old Xueli Abbing, “People might say you can’t do things, but you can – just try.”
值此“国际女童日”,以及在这之外的每一天,请与教科文组织一道,鼓励、支持并陪伴女童一路前行。用教科文组织新任亲善大使、17岁的雪丽·艾宾(Xueli Abbing)的话来说:“别人可能会说你不行,但是你能行,只管去尝试。”