
当前时间:2025年02月01日 03:38

来源:未知  时间:2019-05-16

cable address (telegraphic address) 电报挂号


cable charge 电报费


cable confirmation 电报确认书


cable transfer 电汇


calendar year 日历年度


call option 买入期权,看涨期权


can afford to 买得起


cancel (write off) 取消


cancel an order 取消订单


capital account 资本帐户


capital in trade 本钱


capital market 资本市场


carbon copy 副本


card-board box 纸板箱


care of (C/O) 转交


cargo in bulk 散装货


cargo insurance 货物险


cargo vessel 货轮


carrying charge 储存费用


carrying cost 储存费用


carriage forward 运费由收货人支付


carriage paid 运费预付


carton box 硬纸盒,纸箱


cash against delivery 付款交货


cash against document 凭单据付款


cash and carry 现金出货


cash before delivery 付款后交货


cash on arrival 货到付现


cash on delivery(C.O.D) 货到付现


cash price 现金价格


cash purchase 现金购买


cash receipts 现金收入


cash register 出纳机


cash with order 订货付款


cashier's check 本票


caution mark 小心标志


ceiling price 最高价格


Central Bank 中央银行


Central Trust of China 中央信托局


centralized purchasing 集中采购


certificate and list of measurement and/or weight 产量证明书


certificate for advance surrender of export exchange 预交出口外汇证明书


certificate of analysis 化验证明


certificate of inspection 检验合格证明


certificate of import license 进口证明


certificate of origin 原产地证明书


certificate of shipment 出口证明书


certificate of weight 重量证明书


C grade 丙级(指货品)


C.F. price 货价及运费价格


chain stores 连锁商店


chairman of board of directors 董事长


chamber of commerce 商会


charge for remittance 汇费


charges paid 付讫费用


charge (a sum) to one's account 记某人帐


charter by time 论时收费


charter by voyage 论航次收费


chartered bank 指定银行


cheap clearance sale 清仓贱卖


cheap labor 便宜劳力


check, cheque 支票,核对


check mark 核对符号


check payable to bearer 无记名支票


check to bearer 不记名支票


check to order 记名支票


checking account 支票帐户


chemical works 化学工厂


CIF value 到岸价格


chief executive 董事长


circular letter 传单


circular letter of credit 循环信用证


civil commotion 内乱


claim for damages 要求赔偿损失


claim for proceeds 应得价款之要求


claim letter 赔偿要求书


classified advertisements 分类广告


clean bill 光票,清洁汇票


clean bill of lading 清洁提单


clean draft 光票,普通汇票


clean floating 清洁浮动


clear a port 出港


clear a ship 卸货


clearing house 票据交换所


clearance sale 清仓大贱卖


clerical error 记录错误


close an account 结帐


close inspection 严格检查


closing quotation 收盘,收市行情


closing rate 收盘汇率


closing time 下班时间


C.O.D; Cash on delivery 交货收款


code number 标号数码


code telegram 密电


collated telegram 校对电报


collecting agent 代收人


collecting bank 代收银行


collecting bill 收款汇票


collection charges 代收费


collection expenses 收款费用


collection fees 收款费


collection letter 收帐费


collection of bills 代收汇票


combined offer 联合报价


come into operation 开始运作


come into the market 进入市场


come into vogue 开始流行


confirming bank 确认银行


commence business 开始营业


commercial abbreviations 商业略字


commercial agent 代理商


commercial agreement 商业合约


commercial attache 商务参事


commercial bank 商业银行


commercial center 商业中心


commercial bill 商业票据


commercial credit 商业信用,商业信用证


commercial correspondance 商业通讯


commercial documentary letter of credit 跟单信用证


commercial letter of credit 商业信用证


commercial paper 商业文件


commercial profit 商业利润


commercial relations 商业关系


commission agent 代理商


commission agency 代理贸易


commission business 委托贸易


commission broker 经纪人


commission house 抽佣商行


commission merchant 代理商


commission sale 代售


commodity price 商品价格


common carrier 运输业者


comparative advantage 比较利益


competitive demands 竞争需求


competitive market 竞争市场


competitive price 公开招标价格


compilation of statistics 编制统计


complaints and claims 抗议并索赔


consecutive numbers 连号


condition sale 有条件销售


conditional endorsement 有条件背书


conditional acceptance 有条件认付


conditional sales contract 有条件售货契约


conference freight rate 协议运费


conference tariff 公会议决运费表


confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证


confirmation of order 订货承诺书


confirmatory sample 确认样本


confirming bank 确认银行


considerable orders 大量订货


consigned goods 寄售品


consignment note 寄售通知书


constructive total loss 推定全损


consulate invoice 领事签证发票


consular fee 领事签证费


consular invoice 领事发票


consumer demand 消费者要求,需求


consumer goods 消费品


consumer market 消费者市场


container service 货柜运输


contract for future delivery 订期货


contract for purchase 承买


contract goods 契约货品


contract of sale 卖契


control of foreign exchange 外汇管制


conversion rate 折合率


conversion table 换算表


convertible currency 自由兑换货币


Co-operative Bank of Taiwan 台湾合作金库


copy of draft 汇票誊本


corner the market 垄断市场


correspondent bank 往来银行


corrugated paper box 瓦楞纸盒


cost and freight 货价加运费


cost insurance and freight 货价,运费加保险


cost, insurance,freight and commission cost 到岸价格加佣金(包括保险和运费)


cost insurance,freight commission and interest 到岸价格加佣金和利息


cost, insurance, freight and exchange 到岸价格加兑换费


cost control 成本管制


cost free 免费奉送


cost of goods sold 销货成本


cost of labor 劳工成本


cost of living 生活费


cost of living index 生活指数


cost of material 原料成本


cost of maintenance 维持费


cost of manufacture 制造成本


cost of marketing 销货成本


cost of operation 作业成本


cost of production 生产成本


cost of reproduction 复制成本


cost of sales 销售成本


cost of transfer 转移费用


cost of transportation 运费


counterfeit note(bill) 伪钞


counterfeit trade-marks 伪商标


counter L/C 对开信用证


country of origin 原产地


cover note 担保书


cover letter 附信


craft, etc. clause 驳船等条款


credit analysis 信用分析


credit card 信用卡


credit information 信用报告


credit inquiry 信用调查


credit note 付款票


credit sale 赊卖


credit side 贷方


cross out (off) 注销,取消


cross rate 套汇 汇率,套价


cubic foot 立方尺


cubic inch 立方寸


cubic meter 立方公尺


cubic yard 立方码


cubic measure 容积,体积


currency areas 货币区域


current information 现行消息


current price 时价


current price on market 行市,市场价


current rate 现价,当日汇率


current year 本年度


custom made 定制


customs barrier 关卡


customs broker 报关行


customs clearing charges 报关费


customs duties 关税


customs entry 海关手续


customs invoice 海关发票


customs warehouse 海关仓库


customary discount 常例折扣


customers' account 客户帐目


cut down one's expenditures 节省开支


cut down the price 减价



daily expenses 每日费用


daily interest 每日利息


daily necessities 日用品


daily pay 日给工资


daily reports 日报


damaged goods 毁坏物品


dangerous goods 危险货物


date due 到期日


date of contract 签约日期


date of delivery 发货日


date of draft 发票日期


day of maturity 到期日


dead weight cargo 重量物品


deadweight ton 重量吨


deadweight tonnage 载重吨位


deal on credit 赊帐买卖商人


debit note 帐单


debit side 借方


debit and credit借贷


decimal fraction 小数


decimal point 小数点


deck cargo 甲板货物


deck rate 甲板运费率


declare at the customs 报关


declaration 申报


declaration for exportation 出口报关单


declaration for importation 进口报关单


decreasing cost 递减成本


deduct money 扣钱


deferred payment 延期付款


delay in payment 延期支付


delay shipment 延期装船


del credere 买主资力保证费


del credere agents 保证买主资力的代理商


decline an order 谢绝订货


deliver the goods 交货,送货

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