CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi, I’m Carl Azuz for CNN 10. In just two days, the United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the European Union. No country’s done that since the EU was formed in 1993. Britain’s exit, the Brexit, would leave 27 countries in the economic and political cooperative. But it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen by Friday. Britain’s parliament has rejected the terms of the agreement between its government and the European Union and a Brexit without an agreement also called a No Deal Brexit or a crashing out by Britain has a lot of opponents because it would come with uncertainty about issues like trade, immigration, borders, laws; and it could lead to a temporary downturn in the British economy.
British Prime Minister Teresa May has requested that the EU extend the Brexit deadline again. It did that once earlier this year and the new Brexit deadline would be on June 30th. But will European Union leaders agree to it? European Council President Donald Tusk who heads up the political wing of the EU has suggested offering Britain a flexible extension of the Brexit deadline. It could last as long as a year. President Tusk says he wants to avoid an ongoing series of shorter deadlines and emergency meetings. The EU is holding a summit on Wednesday to discuss these proposals and figure out a way forward. Meantime, Britain's leader continues to battle an ongoing series of challenges.