How do you think Hillary would feel if emails were never invented.
Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump used this cry to rally supporters against rival Hillary Clinton. Three years later, “lock her up” has morphed into...
After his inauguration, Trump’s presidency was soon overshadowed by the Muller investigation into Russian campaign interference.
The Muller report did not conclude that trump’s campaign conspired with Russia to meddle in the U.S. election, but it left open the question of whether the president obstructed justice during the probe, giving democrats fuel for further investigations.
Since the release of the Muller report, Trump has returned to spy gate, an allegation he first tweeted about in May 2018, claiming the Obama administration had planted a spy in his campaign.
It’s becoming a familiar theme in his rallies, including in Pennsylvania earlier this week. Last week, Attorney General William Barr ordered a review of the FBI’s decision in 2016 to launch a counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.
We’re worried about foreign influence for the very same reason. We should be worried about whether government officials abused their power and put their thumb on the scale, and so I’m not saying that happened, but I’m saying that we have to look at that.
Some analysts see the move as Trump strategy to shore up support.
What his base likes about it, about him and has from the beginning is that he is combative in the face of tradition. He’s just relentlessly combative. So yeah, they’ll investigate the investigators, and frankly it’s not gonna be good for him.
Cameron added they investigate the investigator strategy may end up revealing more discrediting information about the president, but Trump is making a bet it will undermine the credibility of the Muller report and his opponents.
Trump has been creative about interpretive truth so frequently that often I think people throw their hands up, because I don’t know what’s true, and so it’s very easy reach for him to just say that this information that’s coming out against me isn’t truthful, and we need to investigate the agendas, or investigate the people who are putting forward this information.
Look there are lots of people who have different colloquial phrases.
Earlier this month, FBI director Christopher Wray said he does not consider a court-approved surveillance as spying, a view that may not matter to the president’s supporters.
Patsy Wei de Quesada, VOA news at the White House.