
当前时间:2025年01月31日 19:18

人造肉领头品牌Beyond Meat股价飙升
来源:未知  时间:2019-06-17

Unstoppable Beyond Meat stock skyrockets again, a day after earnings beat

Beyond Meat的股票以不可阻挡之势再次飙升,距上一次股价大涨仅过去一天

Shares of Beyond Meat rose 39% on Friday, one day after its first post-IPO earnings report and about a month after going public. The company now has a market cap of $8.28 billion, according to Google Finance.

Beyond Meat的股价周五上涨39%,距上市后第一次发布收益报告仅过去一天,上市也才一个月左右。谷歌财经显示该公司现在市值82.8亿美元。

The stock hit a high of $149.46 a share in late-day trading before closing at $138.65. Thats more than double where it landed after its first day of trading in early May.


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Yesterday, the company reported $40.2 million in quarterly revenue, topping estimates of $38.92 million cited by Yahoo Finance, and it projects full-year revenue will reach past $210 million.


This isnt the first time the meat alternative company has exceeded expectations on Wall Street. It warned in its April IPO filling that it may never be profitable and announced losses of $30 million in 2018. And yet a week later, when Beyond Meat made its debut on the Nasdaq, shares shot up 135%.


Call it fake meat or plant-based product. Maybe your vegetarian friends are on to something.


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